Jennifer Crebbin
The Matrix paintings show the underlying fabric of connections between all things on Earth as connecting lines on the canvas. Plants, animals, humans are all made of the same building blocks. We are old star dust. How could we not be connected?
Spirit beings appear in my paintings, sometimes as standing above a scene like an Archangel spreading her wings in protection. Spirit Beings can also be seen greeting other forms, standing above or beside them.
The cosmic views similar to the Hubble photos of outer space or from the perspective of high above the Earth looking down, appear in many paintings. These invite you in, draw you into another worldview.
While painting, I love the expressive freedom of just feeling. Picking a color of paint, and then asking where it belong. The painting emerges from the page. Experimenting with techniques, I explore limits. Painting in totally new ways, I pour, splash, make small and large paintings, and use usual surfaces. These paintings have grown out of my time in the Lil McGil Abstract Laboratory.
Party Play
Fire Chrysanthemums
Rice Fields
Eagle Soaring
Osho in Matrix
Calling in the Spirit Guides
Spirit Dance Acrylic on Paper
Innocense & Old Age
Venus & the Ocean God
Change Your Handwriting
Jennifer teaches transformational handwriting. As a life coach and author of Soul Development through Handwriting (SteinerBooks), she offers classes and private coaching to assist people in changing their handwriting to overcome blocks or obstacles to expressing their true Self.
Change your handwriting, change your life.
Book launch
A Memoir
At age 17 heading out on a backpacking trip, a serious car accident with lethal complications sends Jennifer into a coma. This harrowing story is shared from the inside of her near death experience and full recovery.
Written almost 50 years after the accident, the importance of the experience is echoed throughout Jennifer’s life and its message is uplifting and affirming.