Jennifer Crebbin

Author, Coach & Artist

Book launching soon!

Book Summary

Touched by Crisis

At age 17 heading out on a backpacking trip, a serious car accident with lethal complications sends Jennifer into a coma. This harrowing story is shared from the inside of her near death experience and full recovery. She experiences peace, unlike those around her, and moments of ecstatic joy. She learns about belonging, community, purposefulness, trusting her intuition and so much more. Written almost 50 years after the accident, the importance of the experience is echoed throughout Jennifer’s life and its message is uplifting and affirming.

Author’s Bio

Behind The Pen

Author’s Bio

Jennifer Crebbin’s latest book, the novella Touched by Crisis: My Near Death Experience and its Gifts, is her entry into the world of memoir. It’s the harrowing story of her auto accident, near death experience and the calm she felt, unlike those around her. Almost 50 years later she ready to share her story and how it has formed her relationship to life.

Her background in Psychology, work with death and dying, and doing life review with elders all provide a fertile background to her writing.

She’s also the author of Soul Development through Handwriting and How the Letters Dance Me, books on the transformational power of handwriting. Working as a coach for 15 years, she has helped people live their lives more fully and fulfill their dreams. 

Jennifer lives a simple life built on a spiritual foundation in the Sierra Nevada Foothills. She enjoys dancing and spending time in nature and with her family and friends. She has three grown children and three young grandchildren.

Soul Development Through Handwriting

The Waldorf Approach to the Vimala Alphabet

How the Letters Dance Me

A Guidebook for the Vimala Alphabet

Courses & Coaching

Change Your Handwriting

Jennifer teaches transformational handwriting. As a life coach and author of Soul Development through Handwriting (SteinerBooks), she offers classes and private coaching to assist people in changing their handwriting to overcome blocks or obstacles to expressing their true Self. 

Change your handwriting, change your life.


My paintings express a connection to all life; sometimes appearing as a grid or Matrix, sometimes as Angels or Spirit Beings, or views from a cosmic perspective. These themes underlie each my paintings.

© Jennifer Crebbin 2024. All rights Reserved.